yeah.. today went to the library to study with dar... wasn't very long.. cause dar was so stressed out with his math.. but we took some pics.. yup.. the funny thing is..we were sun bathing in the library.. lol.. the place we chosen was shone on by the sun.. den we moved the chair inner and inner as the sun shone in inner and inner.. and in the end we moved back all the way to the original position cause that isn't any sun at that place le.. lol.. funny..
we went off to bugis... and we ate burger king today.. haha.. never eat burger king with dar alone before.. i think.. haha..weee den we walked around.. today i shipping spree.... i bought a small pouch for maybe make up or as a pencil box... from adidas... nice nice hehe.. and... a NUM shorts.. haha.. i almost wanted to buy the top too.. boooo sian.. haha.. wait till i save more money for my spain.. weee dar likes spain too.. but i look nice in argentina also.. so fan.. haha... oh well lets upload some pics here.. hehe..
booo not a very fun day.... just a normal normal sch day... so i don wanna blogged much abt it.. went to je library to study.. and wait for dar... and he finally appear after his sports day... booo miss him a lot... cause we only met a little while... boohooo...
hm... lets see... shall post some pics again ya...
Its me and Caldras.. was carrying him.. we were at Peach garden eating Dim Sum.. its at thomson plaza.. hehe
Its US!! haha.. slacking around in the neighbourhood... just having a great time taking videos and pics.. haha..
oops.. Us again!! haha.. looking great!! got fu qi lian ma?? muahaha.. ok shall stop it..=x

and this is tweety saying HI or maybe bye! lol.. hm... where is my tazzie... eeeks hehe

Its Tazzie love tweety written on my hand!! by taz!! lolx

i donno how to draw ELMO!! pls don laugh.. boohooo... piggy is him!!! haha.. piggy says i look like elmo -.-" but i don think so.. boohoo!!
tAz looking gd with piggy and elmo on hand.. haha... =x
and its me!! looking silly with tazzie love tweety on hand.. hehe.. =p
YEAH!! i shall add pictures to my post today and its gonna be a very interesting one k?? i promise... lets see...

This is me and dar when we went for an ahem.. hm.. evening bball session... haha.. funny ya.. haha.. yeah!! taken quite sometime ago but finally got it on my com.. yeah!!
ok i shall start off today about the play i watch with sharon!! haha.. its called QUEEN PING!!

it looks kind of gothic when we first entered the studio.. a bit disappointing but it went on fine.. haha.. the people were in their positions already and one was like smoking there la.. haha.. but its really cool la.. it doesn't look funny cause it was suppose to be a funny and irrelevant piece of work..
den i actually find it very localised as in their language..but some parts of the play was a bit too chim to be understood lolx.. overall the plot is about having a mum that is so dominant in the family that all have to listen to her..even the father could not stand her.. but the father wasn't really the childs real father... the funniest part is when the nurse was interviewed because this mother actually stole her child out of the hospital and the nurse feel asleep.. the babies they use were like so fake and small damn funny la.. den so singlish lo.. lol
its m18!! so ya.. really quite a lot of sexual content... they didn't check our IC!! haha.. then they also talked about the daughter having sex.. blah.. haha.. its quite a cool play.. yup.. i like it after all!! hehe
well.. before the play.. taz came along with me and ron to orchard... den we shopped at heeren... sharon da shou huo.. haha... gd for u ya!! hehe... but i am happy too...taz and i got the same shirt.. and i think i look quite cool in it... well.. its from new urban male... we spent quite some time there la.. haha.. well take a look.. do i look hot??? hahaha..

Its GERMANY!!! haha.. weee cool ya? i love the top.. yup.. and then... take a look at another pic... i am such a NEW URBAN MALE!! haha.. nono i am a NEW URBAN FEMALE!! hehehe

NICE?? cause the shorts is also from there... haha.. cool ya? weee hehe hm.. after that i brought ron to the esplanade roof terrace again.. don wanna post the same pic la.. i took pics to replace the last time pics which got erased by the stupid repair.. haha.. oh well.. den we went to MOS burger at raffles city... ate till last customers... haha.. weeee
shall show a bitchy pic of me.. in the cap that jin lin bought for me.. cool.. hehehe...

haha like kind of act bitchy!! i am not k... i just look cute only.. muahaha.. oops k k i will stop the rubbish... I wanna thank ron for my anna sui perfume haha.. its my birthday present!! yeah.. hehe thanks dar u know me!! hehe.. i think thats abt it for my birthday presents.. lol!!! no more le ba.. hehe!!! yeah!!!
oh well.. enjoyed my day alot.. thanks to ron!! and taz!! ron dar we shall go chiong in my june holiday one day.. haha.. yeah!! ladies nite k? hehe.. yeah... happy day... its been so long since i am so happy... hahaha.... though it wasn't really a good start but everything went on fine.. hehe.. weeeeeee!!!! so happy to have u guys... hehe... enjoy seeing my pics ya!! hahaha.. =x

its the beautiful scene from esplande roof