sunday was my last day with my tuition girl.. yeah!! finally out of her paws.. se got terrible attitude problem.. oh and my wednesday is free!!!!!!!! yeah.. RON PARTY PARTY!! booo hehehe ok.. den met my darling.. and he suggested to go orchard.. yup and so we went.. and we met lots of pple.. hm.. oh and i wear my new purple dress yeah!! hehe..
den we walked around.. oh i bought my hp cover.. from fourskin.. white de.. and den.. we were looking for a gd place to eat... yup.. and well we found it... didn't regret.. hehe
Look at this fantastic appetiser... we went to TCC... yup.. at paragon.. actually wanna go coffee club.. but too bad.. lots of pple queuing.. hehe.. anyway this dish is call shrooms bites.. its really amazingly delicious.. the puff is crispy and soft.. and the shrooms were hot.. with sweetness of corns in there... really lovely....
well wats next.. we didn't take the oreo mocha.. but its really nice too yup.. love it.. dar and i enjoyed every thing of wat we ate....
This is dar's dish... its griller salmon and the sauce is a bit or coffee taste.. and it has rose petals as deco.. so lovely... yup.. oh and it has mashed potatoes and asparagus... dar loves eating the fish mixed with mashed potatoes..
TADA this is my dish!! super nice.. i felt as if i was flying after i ate it.. really damn nice.. its called.. smoked salmon linguine.. smoke salmon is salty.. but this is really damn nice lo... i love to eat it mixed with the linguine... and the mushrooms.. my god.. its heavenly.. hehe..
yes.. this pic got the oreo mocha.. hehe nice nice.. i don look happy but i really enjoying the food.. woohooo.... so so damn full after tat.. hahaha
Heres a pic of me trying out some clothes tat i can wear to sch.. hahaha.. maybe i can wear this.. yup.. with my ew bag.. yeah!! haha.. cool.
writtern @7/30/2007 11:13:00 PM
PurplE!! the mini dress tat cost me 63.. donno wat made me buy it.. haha...
My sunglasses!! haha cute...
Ron with her drink.. we're at paragon coffee bean..
my $9 dollar top at 4eva21
my $9.90 top at pull and bear.. yeah i just bought a red one yesterday.. haha ahem.. not i buy.. dar buy for me.. hahaha =)
writtern @7/29/2007 02:10:00 PM
Continues.. well this is the shoes i bought for dar's mids underway to suit my white dress.. hehe i love it.. so sweet.. and wihte and wee nice!! haha
Well Saturaday... i went Vivo with dar.. its for our Simpsons movie!! haha dar first time watch simpsons.. and he really enjoyed laughing.. its crap its gd its cock its.. funny la. hahaha just laugh through the whole movie lo.. LOLx.. oh den we ate Superdog!! yummy yum.. ate chilli dog with bacon.. dar ate spicy italian.. yup.. den we walked around.. i can't find my shorts.. but dar bought me the pull and bear red racer back.. haha its red red not orangey red.. hehe.. hm.. wat else.. oh tats before the movie.. then i got my sunglass fixed.. it was loose..
after the movie... its quite late.. but we walked around.. FOX was still open so i decieded to try my luck there.. and wow i bought my cropped jeans there... muahahaha.. first time buy things from FOX... oh well.. its cute la.. but the important thing is that its very fitting.. so cool.. can't believe the 34 fits me.. the other 34s were like so big.. diao.. anyway i was really happy... yup.. took many pics.. i will take a pic of the jeans and top soon.. hehe
then we took 188 home.. and we did something really cool at home.. HAHAHA...
On the way home on 188!! sleepy head!!
dreamy him.. falling aslp soon.. i always have to hold onto u if not you will fall lolX
looking sweet...
lastly.. Muahx!!!
writtern @7/29/2007 01:49:00 PM
well.. haha this is what we did at my house... i am a monopoly deprived gal.. HAHAHA>.<>
hahaha me and the monopoly!! i am the winner!! so who's the loser?? hm.. hahaha=x
We met at Jurong east!! haha i no need pay money cause the owner is at home!! and thats the only train station dar own.. LOLx well.. its where we first actually met after so many years too.. lols
See... dar and his sad look cause he only own 1 Station which is JE.. lol
Me being happy cause of the three other stations.. i owned him.. LOLX every stop he has to pay me 1000 dollars!! muahahaha
Dar got in jail.. and i was visiting him.. Oh forget to introduce.. the ship is him.. cause he is sailing soon.. and me is the dog... hehe =)
Oh ya.. the overall resilts.. i had like about 45K in my hands hahaha and dar.. i think 19k? hehe =)
writtern @7/29/2007 01:35:00 PM
shopping alone isn't bad.. just tat noone is there to remind u wat u should not spend on.. haha especially an impulsive shopper like me really needs a great pal like ron!! haha.. =x my best shopping companion.. hey my dar would be jealous to hear it.. haha anyway.. i did quite a bit of shopping on thursday.. on my own.. was looking for denium shorts slightly above knee or around there.. and well.. hard time finding for one tat i like.. 4eva21 de is cotton and its 53.. crap.. pull and bear de caught my eye but i haven buy cause when i tried.. noone help me look at my butt.. the mirror there sucks cause it only has one.. not like river island dressing room.. mirrors everywhere.. love shopping over there... and well the denium ones there are too loose for me.. i could just pull the shorts down without unzipping.. haha.. crap... tough luck.. i went into 4eva21 and splurge on a mini dress... its like purple with stones.. and its 63.. wtf.. i can't believe i bought tat.. cause its like considered my first purple top.. i always think i look stupid in tat colour but i guess this top is an exception.. and there goes close to hundred... i buoght a spag top.. nice cutting.. its brown.. plain.. for sch.. 9 dollars for tat.. cheapo!! haha.. yeah.. so total spending.. $ stop was pull and bear.. and so there i was stuck in that shop wondering if i should buy the bottom.. oh and the racer back tops.. nice colours like red and purple..(again) haha.. but end up nv buy.. i even called my poor ron for some consultation.. haha.. my dad called me.. which made up my mind of not buying.. but i kind of regret.. cause that bottom was of my size... dad was picking me up.. so i rush down to TANGS.. and check out the snglass that i fell for when dar and i went there last week.. i tried on this pinkie sunglass.. i bought it.. zzz 17.90.. ok wat.. oh well.. so total spending of the day was.... $89.90muahahahaha..great.. now i got no money.. LOLX.. and thats not all... For today.... ron was here to control me.. hahaha.. i bought a pair of shoes.. its for dar's Mids underway dinner.. cause it can go well great with my dress and its really lovely.. ron thinks its nice too!! yup.. i love it.. and then i spend 9.90 on the racer back top at pull and bear... can't find size for the bottom.. totally regret.. wth... haiz.. sian ah!!!! y must do this to me.. make my poor ron find the bottom with me like shit.. and in the end i gave up.. nvm.. try my luck tml at vivo again.. oh anyway i bought yellow for the racer back.. though i love red.. ron says yellow nice.. ok tats it.. NO not yet.. i bought stuff at WATSONS.. happy.. the mascara got discount finally.. but i didn't buy skiy high curve.. i bought volume express and a UV base protection for my skin.. and den i get a free bag... which i can being for paties.. hahaha... wat a grab.. i shall take a photo.. put up photos the next post k? den u pple got stuff to wait for and see.. i think i really shop too much.. lolx.. haiz.. so sad.. oh and i booked tix online again to vivo tml.. for The Simpsons!!!! got to go that change my sunglasses... got some problem with it.. anyway had a great shopping time with ron.. so sweet of her to pei me even though she is so tired.take care!! hehe muahx!!hm.. did i miss out anything?? hehe
writtern @7/27/2007 11:51:00 PM
This post is especially dedicated to my mao dar.. haha its our very own list of movies we have watched together with the ticket studs in our book.. hehe we said tat on our 100th movie we would get married.. hahaha it sounds so childish and funny but i think its really cute.. and i was like oh cannot cannot now already 50 plus den so fast get married ah haha.. so i guess maybe out 250th? or 500th? hahaha...
our very first date.. we watched this very first movie..
1. 2 become 1 29 march 2006 WM
2. Ice Age 2 13 april 06
3. Aquamarine 30th april 06 cine
4. When the stranger calls 17 May 06 cine
5. Over the Hedge 22 May 06 causeway point
6. Da Vinci Code 30th may 06 WM
7. X Men 3 9 june 06 Cine
8. The Omen 14 June 06 Lot 1
9. Silent Hill 18 June 06
10. Runaway Vacation 23 June 06 Lot1
11. Superman returns 30 June 06 Lot 1
12. Just my luck 3 July 03 Jurong Pt
13. Campus Ghost Stories 10th July 06 causeway pt
14. Pirates 2nd part 14 July 06 WM
15. Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift 30 July 06 Lot 1
16. Lake House 7 August 06 WM
17. Click 10 August 06 WM
18. Break Up 28 August 06 WM
19. Frost Bite 31 August 06 Cathay
20. Devil wears Prada 1 September 06 Lot 1
21. Monster House 5 September 06 Lot1
22. John Tucker Must Die 21 September 06 Lot 1
23. The Banquet 25 September 06 Causeway pt.
24. Stay Alive 2 October 06 WM
25. Prestige 18 October 06 WM
26. Dead or Alive 21 October 06 Lot 1
27. Death Note 26 October 06 causeway pt
28. Covenant 2 November06 WM (our GP A level paper) LOLx
29. Step Up 14 November 06 lot 1
30. Colic 20 November 06 Lot 1 (only 2 of us in the cinema)
31. Final Call 21 November 06 causeway pt
32. Just friends 24 November 06 Cine
33. Battle of the Wits 2 december 06 Vivo
34. Trust the man 11 december 06 Cine
35. Death note 2 26 december 06 cine
36. The curse of the golden flower 28 December 06 Causeway pt
37. Night at the museum 4 January 07 cine
38. Pan's Labyrinth 27 Jan 07 Cine
39. Ghost Rider 19th Feb 07 Cine
40. Just follow law 25 Feb 07 Lot 1
41. Protege 11 March 07 Marina Sq
42. The Messangers 19 march 07 Marina Sq
43. The haunted school 20 march 07 Lot 1
44. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle 23 March 07 Vivo
45. The Reaping 14 April 07 cine
46. Nightmare Detective 28 April 07 Cine
47. Spiderman 3 1 May 07 Causeway pt
48. Pirates of the Carribean Part 3 Worlds end 27 May 07 Marina Sq
49. Shrek 3 2 June 07 Cine
50. Fantastic 4 Rise of the silver surfer 17 June 07 Lot 1
Yeah our 50th movie is Fantastic 4 haha... more to come..
51. Transformers 30 June 07 Marina Sq
52. My Wife is a gangster 3 8 July 07 Causeway pt
53. Harry potter 21 July 07 Vivo..
well our 54th movie will be simpsons!!! yeah hahaha the list will always go on... =)
writtern @7/26/2007 01:32:00 AM
yawn.. slacking at home is so boring... shall post some random pictures k.. of some meaningful things haha
cute little frogs.. hey frogs aren't disgusting.. they are so cute!! loLX especially when u r bored at work.. haha.. i was pressing them around lOLX.. one of my colleage bought it to feed his fish.. boo i think i would buy them to keep as a pet instead lol..

Ta Da its me and the Simpsons.. so cool rite??? hahaha its the next up movie for me!! wee.. hm.. i look a little fat in this pic =x hehe

dar took this pic for me hehe so random...

my lovely tortoise from my mao dar.. so sweet of him.. and the NJC bear bear.. its orange.. yup.. love it lots.. brings back memories.. =)

this is wat i hug to sleep every night... hehe.. dar hugs his tweety.. though its not at his camp.. lolx i love this soft toy so much!! =)
writtern @7/24/2007 02:26:00 PM
If only i could paint or draw well.. i would draw the both of us facing the beautiful night sky as the wind from the sea blows on our face... the feeling is just so amazing.. i would love to use a bottle.. an empty one.. to keep the taste of the air surrounding us.. sweet..
saturday was a harry potter day.. its was ok la... normal.. nothing special.. and bought dar an RV top.. but i didn't take a pic.. he changed it away too fast.. haha but he looks great in it... oh we ate bakerzin for dinner.. sandwiches.. so sad my pizza was out of stock.. boo but we enjoyed the dinner.. thanks my mao dar for the fantastic and den... as i described.. we sat facing sentosa till about 2 and cabbed down to my house.. lovely saturday indeed....
sunday? tiring.. haha but nice too.. always nice with ur loved one around.. the feeling of cuddling at the sofa watching a nice movie is nice too.. haha.. morning crawled up after sleeping so late.. slept like at 4 den crawled up at 8 plus.. teach tuition.. zzz den ate at lot 1.. wait for dar.. den went to orchard.. got my bag.. bought my blossom cardigan.. ron i bought black!! haha.. and its the fuking last piece argh.. den... we walked around taka... food fest... preztel.. yummy.. and see cars.. tats abt it.. went back lot 1... rented Windstruck.. went to watsons and helped dar shop for his MSTD trip stuff... lots and lots of stuff... weee yup.. its like i tot the buy 10 get one free its quite hard.. but well.. we really bought that much.. and even more haha.. den went to his house.. watched the show... cute show.. booo den walked home.. missing him already hehe
My love with his prawn sandwich.. hehe
boo blur pic haha.. but nvm.. its me with my chicken and mushroom sandwich with Mango tango..
The night has never been sweeter with us smiling haha.....
well.. the picture speaks a thousand words.. i really want this everything to remain this way... =)
writtern @7/22/2007 11:10:00 PM
well i never posted any song lyrics on my blog before.. so this shows how much i love this song.. haha.. hm.. anyway harry on saturday and maybe st james?? yeah.. oh and pics! got one more haven post..
a tube from michelle.. ta da..

Thanks michelle for this wihte tube hehe rest assured i will wear it.. cause its a tube.. LOLX

And heres my cutie pie.. spend abt 2 hours playing with him today.. tiring.. but funny.. so cute.. u should see how he sleeps.. like a frog haha or maybe a dog lol he was trying to point at my camera haha..
writtern @7/20/2007 01:02:00 AM
writtern @7/19/2007 07:17:00 PM
had a nice outing with my sis, her friend fiona and her bf, and ron..fiona jie is a really funny and bubbly gal. No wonder she is my sis's entertainer.. haha
anyway.. went to the bank with my sis first.. and we bought bread to eat for lunch.. the bread are yummy..and we ate it on 77 on the way to town..
went far east with my sis and we were hunting for mani pedi places.. yup.. for this small shop.. express for 10 dollars and basic for 14.. prices are for manicure.. den 18 for basic pedicure.. yup.. den i did manicure.. sis did both.. wee now my fingers are pinkie pink... lets see...
ta da... sweet... yup.. i love the pinkie colour..
ok then her friend came by and i finished my manicure.. my sis was about to start hers after her pedicure.. and so i went shopping with her friend.. haha she is so cute.. we buoght dress... hm.. she bought a yellow black one which is relaly nice on her.. and i bought a normal black dress ..
geez i lok really happy.. hahaha.. crap.. i kind of look short with dress.. but many pple think i look like a tall gal in pics with my jeans on.. oh well.. how i wish i could be a little taller or wat.. haha den i can be spotted a little easier.. anyway den ron came to find us.. and we walked around.. my sis came..
i really wanna buy white slip on.. strap shoes.. grr... mphosis is ex.. maybe tat tinklebell cheapo one.. or i should find other place for tat ribbon one.. see got my size or not.. haha.. and oh.. went to walk with ron while they went to eat.. and den ron and i went to find them at coffee bean.. and something really crap happen.. its kind of weird.. this little boy was sitting with my sis and talking to them.. the whole thing goes like this...
this little boy who claim to be 10 years old.. came and sit with them suddenly.. and he started talking abt himself.. my sis ask why he don wan go home.. he say his dad will fetch him one min.. next min he say he can't cause his dad will lock the door and he can't go home.. and he says he lives in geylang baru and he is from bendemier pri.. i dono how to spell though.. he ask if my sis they all ordered.. they say ya.. though they haven.. and he went to the cashier saying he wan a set of wat they ordered too... cause fiona's bf went over to tell the cashier we donno him and the cashier told him wat the little boy said.. so me and ron came.. and this boy ask us to sit other place when my sis told him to give his seat to us.. den my sis lied to him that the hotel opposite paragon coffee bean can let him stay.. so he cross the road to ask.. lolx.. den he came back scold them say the person almost scolded him.. den he went around asking pple for money.. and this couple gave him some coins.. he gave the cashier 1.10 and ask for a small coffee... they gave him la.. and while he was taking straw of wat.. this auntie helped him and he started talking to the auntie.. and stuff.. don really know wat happen but he told the auntie he hungry.. and she let him choose a cake he want and bought it for him... wtf.. so kind.. but tat little boy is so rude he scolded fiona siao somemore.. den finish le he came over to tell us he finish his meal lo.. and my sis was like so u cheated a meal huh.. why not cheat for more.. he correct my sis tat he ate a meal... den he say he going home le.. wah biang.. donno wats with this little boy man... dan... children nowadays should really be look upon.. and taught carefully... boooo scary...
so fiona's bf drove us all home... tats the end of the day.. but we had fun.. ya... more pics....
here is pics of my niece and nephew...

this is clovee... " its really tough for babies to burp!!"

Growls... i am trying really hard... =/

caldras having fun.. playing with his shape blocks.. haha he is really one smart toddler... haha.. my cutie pie...
writtern @7/18/2007 01:36:00 AM
another day another year... i tink time really flies.. hm.. loving the song closer by travis.. really nice.. yup.. this week was ok la.. clubbing with the gals.. huilin and ron on fri.. and my dear boy went with me too haha pics pics coming up.. can't miss the two babes.. den saturday.. a day out with dar and his family.. after my tuition we had fish and co.. at jp.. den go his house.. and den we went for dinner with them.. but i drink soup only.. too full le la.. look at the portion of mao dar's fish and u should know why we can't eat dinner.. we ate fish and co like around 4 plus lo.. -.-" 6 plus eat again.. can't let this carry on man.. and den we went furniture mall had fun there trying out mattress and playing ard with the ding dong haha.. his sis is funny.. den went gain city.. boring.. and we met the lamest sale guy ever... he is fuking lame.. he say buy that tv got free gift.. martin dad ask him wat free gift... he answered " free gift jiu shi mian fei de dong xi.." WTF... he literally explain wat free gift is la.. and not wat we going to get for the free gift.. LOL me martin and his sis were laughing like fuk.. hahaden they ate mac.. den went back his house... and den he came over.. wanted watch movie... but he left the psp at his house -.-" tats abt it.. oh den today... nothing much la.. didn't go tuition.. really don wanna teach haha =x den go jp with dar.. buy stuff.. snacks.. he brought to camp.. den went to see ah ma.. after dar took taxi back camp.. den back at home... slack slack slack... yawn.. wat a sunday... yeah.. i am free...not working le... anyone free can ask me out??? only available on weekdays for now..haha boooo
writtern @7/15/2007 10:51:00 PM
Yeah this is my teriyaki salmon haha yummy yum yum...
Dar is bored cause his sword fish collar is not here...
i am bored too -.-" cause i can't start eating without his here... lol
look at his serving.. he can't finish and i got to help him a little.. it looks small here but when the person take to him.. everyone look at us lol!!
want some? hehe
writtern @7/15/2007 10:47:00 PM
phuture... me and ron!!
as i say.. pics of the two babes.. haha
ron got tipsy.. we are at mac.. hehe reddish her.. lolx
so dark... i think dark better..

i think i look fugly man... cause i can't open my eyes.. the lights are so bright!! >.<>
writtern @7/15/2007 10:40:00 PM
i am really kind of lazy to post pics of the ndp cause my com is really shit with the pics.. but i shall try.. haha shall post 5 pics per post.. so that u can see
this is how the stadium looks... well we have quite good seats except for the people who keep walking about and the stupid people wearing the MP helmet making their head huge...
view of the city..
march march march!!! NDP 07!!!
of course not forgetting a sweet pic of us.. haha

Singapore flag flying across us.. very near.. he helicopters are actually very near.. but my cam makes it look small...
writtern @7/15/2007 10:19:00 PM