ok i shall blog.. lolx.. with photos!!! yeah...
lets take a look at my room..
This is the shelves on top of my table.. sorry its very messy.. cause i just fixed up the shelves and haven't pack.. no time la.. lazy =x
lalala my cute pinkie heart dress.. i bought online and collected yesterday... yeah... on second look it looks like pyjamas... boohooo but another look.. i pretty like it.. hahaha
this is the other top i bought.. i love it too.. just a little big but ya.. comfy.. hehe.. my sis is aiming for it le.. i can sense it!!! argh.. lol
well thats about it.. yeah.. dar must be awaiting to see me wear!! hehehe... booooo recesss weeek is oooooooovvvvvvveeeeeeeerrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!
my god.. i don wan to go to sch.. booohooohoooo..... so sad........