Thursday, February 28, 2008
HerE!!! look at my reunion dinner... its just delicious... hehe my little nephew at his chair ready to eat already haha
weee look at the chicken and the BAO YU!!! muahahaha
hehe this pic can see my dad de tummy hehe and my hardworking mummy weee love them lots... =)
well happy cny everyone.. hope ur dinner is great too!! =)
cam whoring!!! haha in lab.. >.<>
haha niu zai hen mang... weeee
jay on the piano... with one of the nan quan mama person... its the special guest this year.. they playing bumble bee.. hee
wooo qian li zhi wai... he is so white and shiny!!
another clear pic hehe.. all these taken by hp.. so ya.. not very clear...