hm.. ok quite some time since i blogged.. haha as hp said so.. oh well.. lets see.. i got nothin much to say...
exams are nearing... its kind of bad.. half a month left and i am feel really miserable and tired..geez where is my passion for biology... i miss mr azahar... =(
anyway.. went shopping a week back or so with dar and bought this cute flowery dress.. he say its nice..
bought my foundation too.. haha like finally. yeah.. after all the crack and stuff... booo my blusher crack too -.-"
k anyway so shall post the pic of the dress... my lap top is going crazy... haiz.. again!!! wtf..
weeee happy birthday my darling ronnie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah another person in the 20 group hahaha... wait for me >.< actually i really don wan mine to come so soon cause exams are together with it.. argh..
anyway all the best to ron with this new number 2 in front hehehe
yeah cheeersssss
ok back to blogging.. 13 march was SBS day... and i love sbs day.. haha its so much fun.. came to upload more pics here hehe so well weee i bought lots of stuff and oh ya... i got 2nd prize lucky draw!! hahahaha muahahah 20 dollar popular voucher... when i spent 19 yeah!! i earn a dollar ROFL!
Kiasu me bought the last tripleXs singlet from sbs... i feel so bad.. cause the gal beside me wanted it but she got to order cause i said i wanna buy first.. bought with hua ming and another donno who guy.. den each 6dolllar so cheap..if i buy alone is 8 lo.. buy two is 7 haha
yeah i love it though a little long and big still
Elicia's booth was cooll there were many many pretty booths.. all the blogs and stuff... had great fun shopping.. really cheap stuff too.. anyway bought these from elicia.. yup... 5 and 8 respectively.. i love them weee
my pink balloon.. back at lab.. booo hehe actually got a red small balloon inside but cannot seee.. cause i tot if its the pearly pink den would be nice.. nvm hehe caldras love this ballon cause its pink... hahaha
weeeee they burst all these... booo so sad rite... should have brought home everything lOL i love balloonsss.... so colourful!!!!!!
weee i actually get to have my own flower.. wanted it but the queue was so long before i go lab.. den was going meet dar.. waiting for dar to reach jp.. the guy still folding so i went to get one hehe orange and yellow.. caldras love this balloon tooo...

hehe me and flower.. took by brian!! yeah.. then wee meng came to disturb..
and well took a photo with him.. LOL cause anyway fellow partner for FOC we are a team... yup
>.< y must partner with him... hahaha just kiddin loL! yin yue is missing out..

and look who's this.. haha caldras tan!!!! kop all my balloon except the dog which i folded and he say spoil already.. but i donno why it looks spoilt to him =( make me sad... lol

ya da.. hehe i forget rotate pic.. aiya lazy la.. LOL
oh i forgot i wanted blog these pics in my hp as well..
This is SBS 3 On 3 Bball challenge... didn't win any medals but i think Miracle team was cool haha as least we won a match!!
Mummy looking weird here.. taken last year at a jap restaurant in forget which hotel.. the sashimi salmon was damn good...

my dear daddy and me... =D
haha happy birthday to my sister!!! one day after charmaine's.. and my birthday is on the same day as charmaine's sis.. so coincidentanyway i wanna upload loads of pic today... its on the shopping trip yesterday...
just came back from JUMBO dinner.. yupp
TaDa i was trying on clothes tat i totally won't buy but oh man i fell in love with this super lacey top hahaha its so cool!! lolx
another pic of me...
ok so here are some Jay stuff i collected from china town yesterday...
pink key chain yeah..
my file with jay face...
and jay cute figurines...
haha ok so here is what i bought from the trip..
My GUESS BAG!!! muahahahaha
i finally bought it...
take a look inside... hehe its the pouch..
yeah... its 12 dollars for spending 200 above..
and my bracelet... wee so nice...

envy me!! >.<