yawn yawn... just wakie.. was changing my blog skin yesterday night.. shall post some stuff... that i took pictures of..
This is my microbiology textbook..its thick but well i bought it at 20.50.. original 40.50 cause got 20 dollar popular voucher.. hahathe paper quality quite bad.. i think thats y its so cheap even though thick..
Me with vodka raspberry.. taste a bit like cough mixture.. haha it was during my BBQ with my whole MIRA gang and a traitor from horae lolx
This is cute little niece at cafe cartel... she looks kind of like how i look when i was young in this photo.. haha

My pouch to put my PSP.. it is so colourful and cute.. hehe weee...
My new sch bag.. only 20...

Havent cam whore for sometime.. hahaha just some cam whoring pics here...

And another.... booo with my pretty fake eyelashes..
Yesterday i went shopping and went for a movie with wei.. den.. i wanted to buy a shoe i loved when i saw it with heng pei the other time.. it was white and super super shiny!!! booo just cant get it off my mind... it was like two weeks ago...
den i went back to the shop.. they were like selling all shoes at 20... >.<>
but but but... i cant find that stupid shoe!!! argh!!!!!!!!!!!! no more!!!!!!!!! in the end....

I bought this silver version of the white.. LOL.. she dig out one with my size.. no more le!! hahaha.. 20 dollar.. its so sparkling... i wonder what i should wear it with!! LOLX but i really love it la..
and then i bought two shoes at 30!!! hehehehe

This shoe sold at 10 for me.. display.. the front a little blur cannot clean but not that obvious( console myself) can see only at certain angle.. actually true.. ya i didnt want le.. but she say sell at 10.. wa lao.. k la.. my one day allowance for a shoe i can wear.. cause its quite comfy behind just the bottom i got padding can put in..
den i spend 77 more dollars on my coasmetics..zzz a nice orange blusher.. nv used orange before.. hope it looks nice.. later going for steamboat.. can try.. and my stupid foundation.. i wanted the free ettusais bag.. its so cute.. the tote.. tat time i went havent out.. now i go out of stock zzzzzz but i spend more that 68 la.. so i got to get the black and pink dots tote bag.. hm.. its quite ok la.. like can bring out still..
ya.. i watched death race yesterday.. think its quite not bad.. gorry but the plot is quite interesting.. yup.. a can watch movie i guess.. for those car racing and bloody death.. lol..
k la.. i shall go shower.. do some work... before steamboat..
hoho michelle ah.. i lazy to resize la... haha but well here are more photos.. mostly on stuff that i have bought...
lets see... i am left with heels.. make up products...skirt...
yup.. i guess shall wait till my next pay comes haha..

so this was the first mini dress after my pay that i bought i think lol.. should wear with leggings or stockings.. yup.. haha kind of short to wear it alone.. hehe

my 2nd item is my cap.. oh man i really love this cap... its super cute... from River island.. one look and i fell in love with it.. but i didnt buy.. tat day went vivo and it was still... still!!! hanging there.. waiting for me to buy... hahaha so ya.. bought it!! muahaha
me in cap!! lol.. looks weird in this pic..
Lets show some hiphop!! haha my new mango top too... no sale.. but aiya 15 dollar.. watever.. =x
got another one bought in sale de... never take pic.. its black.. haha.. i bought this white one cause my white mango got dyed or something by my dad.. donno wat he did la.. i just bought and it ended up in a terrible state...

My lovely bebe top... loving it..

My most expensive splurge of my pay... my pink psp.. my new baby pink psp... my baobei... looking for a simple pouch to keep it in now.. just don wan scratches on the cover.. hm..
it out of the box... pretty pretty....
i didnt buy this dress.. but i definitely love it like hell... cause of the orange.. oh man.. its totally my fav colour lo.. but i hate the gray right below.. kind of weird.. so sad...
oh ya.. just in case u didnt notice.. its my tan.. haha dont i look tanned now? hehe kind of love the colour..

Another weird top.. didnt buy... haha
I bought this... like the beads.. kind of cute.. haha
ta da...
and so there goes my pay.... still have left but... hoho... shall wait for next pay..
these doesnt include the bag i just bought for 20 dollars and shorts from NF.. hehe
still looking for cotton shorts...
yeah!!! tml is BBQ with freshies... happy cause almost everyone is going.. especially the seniors.. i guess its gonna be very crowded and fun... haha...
just bought microbiology textbook.. so cool.. actually its really interesting... i think i love physio more.. haha but i just don like remembering the stupid names of the bacteria...
forensic!! i love it.. muahaha.. call me sick of watever.. but its really interesting.. ohoh i remember wat i haven include in my bought list...
my two tamagotchi.. hahaha.. my sony de daddy bought one for me at the toy fair.. supposingly should spend 30 and u get tamagotchi version 4 for only 10 dollars!! >.<>
den i see my tamagotchi very very lonely..just nice xue ting.. also worked in sony last time... was working as the cashier in the toy fair!! and i bought my second one which is pink just for 10 without spending 30 dollars!! double yeah!!!..
now my tamagotchi isnt lonely.. haha but i think its kind of ugly.. the sight of it freaked hengpei out.. hahaha.. she laughed like hell.. it looks like an ah pek lo =( the gal is cute la.. but now become very shy de.. the character is shy thats why look like wearing mask..
ok thats all i got to blogged about... haha today lunch meet.. got free lunch... yummy.. got to see my freshies again.. shall call them junoirs le... haha and i was late for lecture today.. cause i forgot to set my alarm clock.. woke up at 10 at home and the lecture was at 10.30.. rush down hurt my leg.. and lucky didnt caught in the rain...
ok really gonna end here.. dono when i will blog again but.. haha try la.. see got pics or not
no sch today.. cause first week is only lectures.. well haha a few pictures of camp.i remember when yin yue, weemeng and me sat down settling stuff before the camp.. our identity!!! and C^3 made us do one for him too.. haha
Here is our pretty identities..
And this is our MIRA flag.. done by all the cool freshies.. haha its super cute and well done.. was finished during the precamp. The first time we met each other..senior camp was extremely fun and slack too.. haha.. but anyway.. felt very sad actually cause i couldn't fully enjoy the camp with everyone and was being a super bad GL.. all because i was sick.. become everyone look after me instead of me looking after the freshies and running with them.. felt super bad.. regrets!! grrr... totally sad abt the sore throat... sorry weemeng and yin yue for being such a lousy GL..
This is one of the pics taken at vivo roof during the amazing race.. one running part which i lagged behind a lot =(
A super fun nite call the SP nite.. secret pal.. well everyone is blindfold except for seniors.. we had hell lot of fun... seeing couples doing funny stuff.. haha.
And then here comes initiation.. the worst part but fun part of the camp too.. cute zen got to be pinch by lots of us.. haha and she went.. DONT PINCH MY CHEEK.. but she didnt know wat was stuck on her face.. hahaha..our best female freshie..
another game... the animal game.. where they went around making their animal voices to pair up.. haha cute.. there were oink and meh gathering too where they talk using oink and meh.. was super hilarious...
A grp photo after all the fun!! see.. everyone was still smiling hahaha..
well still got a lot a lot of pics.. but don have the time to post them up.. blogger sux la.. super long to upload pics..
but i really had great fun at the camp.. everyone was super enthu.. and we won the most enthu grp award.. parting was sad.. but everyone was still in their high spirits.. three cheers for MIRA...
Anyway i really love fishing...
look the the kim bak lor i caught.. big big big.
yummy yummy.. the flesh very nice hoh.. and u can grab the fish mouth cause it doesnt have teeth!! lolx
fishing is really relaxing.. though its quite pek cek if u cant get any.. and also if u get too many!!! haha.. we caught 11 tat day.. our target was actually 12.. in 7 hours... its really cool.. the feeling when u fight and pull it up.. wa.. shiock..
i got no strength to pull the whole row of them up.. was heavy k.... but really had fun.. just very nice to keep ur mind free while fishing...