ahh.. exams over but so soon its back to work.. feeling so sad.. but hey.. no work no money.. somemore after spending so much.. can take a look at the photos on my facebook.. but i guess i will upload them soon.. will try to take more photos on the stuff i bought.. haha i guess it will really be quite a lot..
Today is first day of work at Parco Marina bay.. its actually in millenia walk.. can come and find me =D at P1-10.. laurige is the brand.. its really quiet in the mall but actually quite a nice place.. wee its first time i am using a cashier.. kind of scary but really fun.. cause usually part timers last time all cannot use cashier..
tml i will be at holland V the boutique is above cold storage.. at the second floor.. do pop by if u wan too.. booo hm..
26 and 27 at parco and 29-31 at HV.. yup..
My parents are back from china.. bought some cool stuff.. a jade necklace and bracelet for me.. mum say its cooling.. good for neckache or wat.. maybe i should try.. really have a bad neck..Mum got some stuff for dar's mum too >.< so nice...
my boss gave me a lip gloss today.. made in france.. i guess must be ex.. she don buy cheap stuff >.< It says Make Up For Ever (professional; paris) made in france.. woohoo.. no colour but really shinnnyyyyyyy... haha she say for us to be mei mei.. lol.. cute..
alright shall mention some stuff i bought since these few months.. sunglasses from tangs, shoes too for work.. make up brushes and liq foundation 40% off from sephora!!.. opi hand cream.. loads of clothes from forever 21.. hehe blah blah blah... kind of shiock..=P sounds a lot but actually i felt that i save quite a lot liao hahaha contradicting...
i always tot u were the one... please let it be endless...
i really don wan to start things back from square one... i hate it.. all i just need is u and nothing can replace it..
Yeah finally get to post pics and blog slowly.. haha anyway before starting off with my birthday.. here are some pics of dar's camp dogs.. all so adorable and friendly >.< Went to the family day of civil defence at the civil defence academy.. got to see dar's most precious dog perform his search and rescue as well..

Here is the playful labrador retriever.. bally.. he is so cute and notti la.. haha cute because he is very playful!!..
This is tog /toc?( donno how to spell.. lol) Dar says his obdience is one of the best.. and yup but he does things very slowly lol so funny.. u can ask him to sit and he does it like in slow motion... lol so cute..
This is tommy.. he is a black retriever.. all are friendly dogs =)
And this is dar's most precious dog.. Rocky... a border colie.. super super smart and i think i should use the word cheeky? They are all so cute la.... had a great day interacting with them..
Just two pictures on my fishing trips.. caught plenty more but didn't take pics haha...
My first flower crab!! =) yummy.. its meat is deliciously SWEEEET!!
And tada.. this is san bo gong...chinese pple don really eat it but the malays like to cook with asam.. yup.. =)
Here are some pictures of thaddeus swimming!! sooooo cute =D loves!!!

The float looks like its strangling him but he is totally enjoying it la.. cause he is kicking and drinking the pool's water -.-"

Baby with cap on =) little FOX baby..

Ok this pic should be in front but aiya nvm.. haha sis brought him into the water to tell him tat he is goiong swimming hehe.. water isn't cold cause he didn't struggle or grumble..

Here's baby darling in clovee's float lol...
And now back to my birthday celebration with my family.. Ate at this shop in Greenwood ave i think at bukit timah.. love their 21inch pizza... HUGE!!
Here is my main dish shared with mum and dad.. its seafood..
And heres the pizza!! yummy.. this one is the seafood and hawaiin de..
Thaddeus wants it too hahaha super boy!!

My birthday cake... =) from primia deli.. Dont have the pic of the birthday cake dar bought for me..
Here is fierce mummy holding innocent look thaddeus.. what a cute candid hahaha..
Moving on to the pressies!!
Gift vouchers from cariann heng pei veron and xue ting!!.. and specially made earrings from darling heng pei >.<>
Coach de purse.. from my dear sis and jie fu.. and thaddeus.. haha
What i am using to blog now... my new macbook pro from dear mummy and daddy.. after seeing tat my asus keep spoiling and decided i need a new lappie so that i would leave her's alone LOL..
Oh ya here is happy family photo... Love this photo... love my family too =) its big and thats y its so warm and nice
Oh no i think this blogger didn't upload all the photos i choose... they miss out dar's present for me... anyway its a bebe top.. nice pick bebe top..
Did my nails... went to do gel nails at the beginning of april cause i got the member card of nail status at far east.. Had 50% off all services on birthday month.. a chance i shouldn't miss to do my gel nails =) didn't upload the one before.. but i went to in fill again on the last day of april lol don wan to waste my 50% off.. and...
super love my nails now.. hehe bought this OPI hand cream also.. pyscho by my manicurist.. zzz but its very xiang though =)
aiya post the pics i miss out again soon haha lazy le =p
I've been wanting to blog for so long with my new lappie.. but well procrastinating.. haha cause i so lazy to upload the photos and there have been so much that happen..
i want to talk about my 22nd birthday... my new nails... my fishing trips.. so many hm... shalll blog all after my last paper on 7th may ya... cheers