Photos of the rompin trip are up.. and a few additional photos from the past...
Here's me and my first Redtail cat fish that i caught.. about 7 kg.. =)

Another view of it.. =D

This is the noh fish from yatch club.. very dark though haha..

The shark that was caught during the boat trip with dar and his work place uncle. There were other fishes too.. Shark was kept to catch the crabs.. haha
So let's start with the Rompin trip from 22-24 august. We had a van from bottle tree park that fetched us to the river chalet. On the way we had our dinner at Kota tinggi.. Had a mee soto.. It was quite cold cause raining but when we stop at the petrol station.. dar and i got a nestle chocolate ice cream cause its freaking cheap there in malaysia.. only 2.20 RM wth.. singapore sell 1.80 for you info.. so its like less than a dollar there in malaysia..
So we checked in..

Room E.. for evelyn! haha zzz
all our stuff... Nothing much for the night.. the guys prepared the stuff while i played my psp and slp early to wakie early.

Here's a beautiful view from outside our room.. with all the boats.. love the view makes you feel so relax though you got to wake up so early in the morning..

The sun haven't rise yet when i woke up.. so got to see sun rise... such a pretty sight..
We had our breakfast and is all set to go!! =)

So everyone is busy putting up their rods above the boat and the sight of all of the holes being filled up with the rods was nice.. so here's dar happily putting his up..

Tada!!.. i didn't count how many rods there were.. i think about 12-14? its about 2 person.. one for bait one for sail fish... love the colour of jigrex
dar's jigger is in the pic with jigrex haha.. =)
Another nice pic while on the boat...

Suzuki is what kept us going... LOLx...

Everyonoe says cheese!! short of edmund and the boat man here only..

Some tamban in our live well which are really huge over at rompin.. not like those that i caught in yatch club.. haha these are for the sail fish....
Tme flies for the first day and it ended in a pouring rain... was really cold lucky for jonno's jacket.. I caught many ang go li.. and others and dar had 4 grouper.. all on sabiki.. The uncle caught a bigger grouper which was table size so that settled our dinner.. haha yummy...
0 sails for the first day.. all ran away.. i guess cause we were all new to this except for uncle and edmund of course..

This pic should be at the beginning.. cause its sunrise.. but oh well lazy move to the front.. haha...

Oh forgot... We did this super yummy thing.... We sashimi the sotong caught by the boat man.. edmund brought chopping board and knife.. wasabi and soy sauce... it was awesome... wooo.. crunchy.. haha.. the boatman was really good at sotong la... everytime he changes spot.. he will catch 2-3 arrowhead sotongs.. its like those really big ones... we calamari them and brought home a few.. haha

the after product of the sauce and a few strips of sotong left..

a few sotongs in container.. they look cute.. haha

Back from the boat and had a good shower.. so it was time for dinner.. get to see sun sets while eating dinner.. what a nice view...
So the second day of the offshore fishing....

Dar had a hooked up of the first sail fish.. followed by Alvin so they fought their fishes together.. got to cross here and there....

yeah!! =) our fish sailfish on board...
Uncle and his Todak.. haha he caught 5 todaks instead of sail fish when all of us already had our chance fighting the sailfish.. after that he finally caught sail fish.. we all call him todak king.. lol.. Todaks there at rompin are much bigger than the singapore ones.. lolx they eat and chase the fishes much like sailfish.. so you really donno if you got a todak or sail until you fight it.. of course sailfish are much more fun...

Another photo of them... haha
Another sail fish.. its the third one.. second one was Alvin's.. this is jonno and his fish..
And here's the 4th sail up.. was my turn to play.. haha weee... my first sail fish...Trying to pull up the fin.. jonno's sail fish's fin was nicely open up lo...
The sail fish have a greasy and slimy layer over it which will make your skin kind of stinging or itchy.. so i placed a cloth over my thigh and held it with the cloth.. lol.. =p kia si.. hahaha.. not as garang as the guys who had scratches on their palms.. even the boat man uses gloves la.. zzz -.-"
this is the 5th sail.. fighting with light tackle.. the boat man's fishing gear.. we gave me and dar to play.. i think its much more fun using his rod.. haha Dar fighting the fish...We had a number of videos.. dar took a video of me fighting this fish.. lucky it was a smaller sail..

Us with the sail =)
Back after fishing...

All the fishes that we caught... filled the ice box.. we took the parrot fish caught by the boatman and a sotong for dinner.... Such a beautiful parrot fish...

The after product of the parrot fish... kind of cruel.. but yummy >.<

The sun starts to set and it is time to head back home..... =(

Everyone with smiles after a fufilling trip... photographer: dar.. haha

On the bus back home... freakin cold inside zzzz

Bye rompin... we will be back next time =)
End of my rompin trip... went fishing again yesterday... it was a night with great catches... we celebrated hoh hwee's birthday in advance so whole day out.. pictures will be up soon... Bought my Bebe sandals too.. haha till then...
Sch's starting tml!
Back from rompin trip.. I guess its really an unforgettable experience offshore fishing.. just wished i could stay longer there.. too lazy to blog about the details first cause i want to get all the photos and upload before i blog about the whole trip. Overall i guess the money was worth the trip because i really had a good time.. =) yeah!!!
Yesterday was quite a busy day.. Dar's friend..and another guy n dar n me went for PCK movie at Iluma.. before that went Hot Spot to get some fishing stuff to prepare for our rompin trip later.. *quite excited* =)
After the movie was quite a good dinner at Empire state in Iluma because Benten was still under renovation.. argh.. but ya anyway i had their mushroom swiss burger.. ya its big.. really taste not bad but could have been better if they got more mushrooms.. we all shared an empire state mushroom pizza also which was a must have and i think its not bad.. Not too thin nor thick.. dar had his whole spring chicken to finish lol.. look delicious too.. s
orry never take photos.. too lazy and hungry hahaha =p
PCK movie was kind of boring.. laughs here and there but not up to standard yet.. its a 3/5 for me.. hm.. we were comtemplating of where to go next but ended up at supper club cause of raymond... lolx i just felt old again and this time wasn't even in my usual clubbing attire.. was in my sandals instead of heels and just a denium shorts.. haha lok kok... hack la.. i think the NUS were having some pageant and raymond was there to support his friend.. then went just to dance a bit drink a little.. oh well.. anyway preparing for my trip.. haha w
ill be back on tues nite? hope will take more photos and ya sailfish here i come =)
Pic of the nite.. hoh hwee, raymond, dar and me
Yesterday was quite a fulfilling day to me i guess.. haha.. Dar had his last paper. We were off to kind of relax and celebrate his end of diploma.. Went to his serg house at woodlands there to see his old retired camp dog, Rex.
But before that we ate at causeway point's jack's place.. i just suddenly felt like eating steak.. haha but its worth the moment to eat.. anyway we both had sirloin steak with bell pepper sauce i think is 10.80 cause set lunch.. comes with chicken and corn soup, dessert which was almond with lychee jelly and a coffee or tea.. really not bad for the price though.. so was about 25?
This is smart Rex.. He is already 11 but well dont really look that old =)

Chewing on his bone.. He is really a wonderful dog to have >.<

I wan a border collie!! oh well i still love my milo and also russell but rex is really sooo smart..

His obedience is the best among the dogs in the camp and he is defintely super super patient. He likes to push the ball with his nose towards you and den just lie and stare at the ball while waiting for u to play with it. He can really stare at the ball for very long. He also likes to cross his paws one over the other haha.. =)

Me and Rex =)
Then we went home to dar's house to prepare for our next event which is fishing obviously.... haha... It was quite a good night because its been so long since we caught such a big fish from there...
Got a grouper!! and a Nor fish..( hokkien zz)

Its big!! but mummy say this kind of fish is really really big de this one is smaller version le.. His friend brought home that fish though cause he hook it while dar pulled it up haha..

The grouper looks so tiny beside it.. but hey its a grouper! and its not that small also..

Another photo of yummy grouper =)
Yeah.. tml is FP(fishing paradise) time... soon will be rompin!..
Have been working fishing and going out with mummy for the past week...
Here's a random pic of the western i da bao from holland village kopitiam. I love their western cause the price is really reasonable for the amount i get. Unlike the other stalls which totally suck for the price i got to pay. Eg. the yu pian chu mee fen.. i pay 4.50 and the mee fen like shit the fish given a few pieces.. so pissed. This one is fried rice with fish fillet. I love their grilled fish with spagettie also.. i think same price.. at 4.50 or 4.. their fried rice got luncheon meat also and mixed vege.. zhan! thumbs up =)
So Saturday evening i went offshore fishing with the uncle and dar again... it was a quiet quiet night... i don't have the photos of the catches with me.. all with dar..

Here's dar and the man in red is the boat man. The other is the uncle.

Love the wind.. quite shiock... haha.. Can see the kites from west coast park.. can also see the hook. Its dar's bao bei reel and rod...

Random.. was trying to take the kites all in the sky from west coast park den dar stood up and block my view lolx =X

This pic is for hengpei!! its a sotong!!!! haha.. yeah!! different from cuttlefish.. its soooo cute.. booo but they cut and use as bait =( i wanna bring home and yang..=(
Then Monday national day... when all are celebrating singapore's birthday.... dar.. his friend and me were fishing at yatch club again.. but this time we brought the shark caught on the boat trip as well for crabbing.. shark's meat is smelly so the crabs love... Oh ya i cause two sea bass from the trip also.. small de.. the uncle caught a grouper very very nice size... and dar caught ang zhou ki.. also not a bad size..
ok carry on for monday's catch...
I caught alot alot of seklar... small de.. and tamban.. and other small fishes while jigging... den san bo gong also..

Mr Kongless crab... so sad!! i only know how to eat kong lol.. and this huge crab has no kong! argh.. imagine how big his kong can be..

Dar's friend disturbing russell... ruseel went to lick the crab.. -.-"

There are the kongs of the small lei gong crabs.. only the kongs of them can be eaten.. n guess wat... they are really really sweeeeeet and shiock!!!!

And this is the cooked product of the kongless crab... =)
weee.... den i went shopping with mummy on sunday again.. she wanted to go OG.. got the elizabeth arden offer.. If spend 50 dollar in OG can get their capsules for face and eyes only at $35 and original price was 110.. $55 for non- OG members.. actually nothing to buy from there.. then i grab a monster munch tibit.. and a guess bracelet.. mum bought a lipstick.. den she bought two boxes of the serum.. the auntie very nice also help my mum to separate the bill so she can use the rebate got from the bracelet and lipstick on the serum. =) After that took 143 to vivo... mummy pei me walk forever 21.. still love forever 21 at vivo.. haha.. i bought two basic tops and a dress.. $49... i wanted to pay but my mum insist she pay.. she say this is nothing to her -.-" but oh well.. thanks mummy.. i got such a great mum that i feel so fortunate.. =) We went river island and they were having 20% off storewide for singaporeans.. just show pink or blue IC and thats it 20% is urs!! but never got anything..
I brought mum to swensen earle for dinner.. ok this time i pay =) felt bad ma.. anyway we ate the clam chowder bread bowl which dar and i love.. and shared a clay fish and seafood pasta which was good for two.. wanted eat ice cream den i ask mummy eat ben and jerry.. haha i wanna eat the coffee ice cream.. so after the ice cream we both were soo soo soo full... took 188 home.. though long ride but we got to sit and had a long nice chat =) i am so happy to have such a nice mum that would listen to me and at least understand and try talking to my dad so he could understand me too.. Know my dad really loves me but he just refuse to listen to my side of story.. At least now i can tell mummy the truth about where i am going.. she hides the truth from my dad for me haha.. whenever my dad grumbles at her she just kept quiet.. lolx..
Love u mummy!!