Was thinking about my new year resolution while brushing my teeth.. lolx.. decided to blog about it since i can't slp yet.. tml will be the first day of my FYP...
1) Do well for FYP
2) Graduate and get a good job
3) Bring dar back home
4) Drink more water
5) Be more health conscious ( eat up more vitamins and supplements!)
6) Earn more money to save more money
7) Get rid of my blemishes
8) Work out my body
9) Go for a facial
10) Sell off all the coach bags and get in more
11) Blog more often
12) Going for more holidays ( Grad trip, US trip, fishing trips!)
13) Stop peeling my nails =P
13) Stay tan and remember to hydrate my skin still
14) Love dar more and more
15) Take good care of milo
i think the list goes on.. but these are all the important things i need to do!!! hm.. =)
Happy new year everyone.. ( in advance)
At least i had an enjoyable day today.. =D
i got a thermal flask for exchange gift and a adidas bag with deodorant and perfume and shower gel from my bro and da sao..
11 more days of christmas..! a few more days to sungei buloh..
suddenly start to hate christmas.. anyway someone said " you also not christian... celebrate christmas for what.." also true...
just that i celebrate christmas with my family ever since i was young... we always go to my aunt's place to exchange gifts and i always loved christmas cause i got to receive all those presents. It has always been such a joyous season..oh well... now alone at home.. nobody's home..
hm... hope everyone have a merry christmas....
Exams are over.. The last exam of my life? well.. uni really sooooo fast... gonna miss all my uni friends =( so sad... don't really know what to blog about actually.. haha.. i got loads of pics to post but i feel soooo lazy.. hm.. maybe i post a few la.. hehe
Here's the octopus dar's friend caught up... looks disgusting right? lolx.. i think octopus are kind of cute actually just that the feeling of their tentacles really a bit weird.... slimy and... hard to describe.. lol.. kind of scary...
Anyway i kind of like the lights of christmas this year.. as in for most of the places...

Pinkish purple lights... i just love christmas.. hm..

My fav.. tangs.. i think its sooo colourful and cheerful.. loves!!! =)

chocolate christmas tree?... =D

Here's one coach bag i gonna sell.. its a nicest one i think? haha i personally like it alot.. =p
Anybody wanna book this? lol

Of course i shall not miss out cute little thaddeus...

Walking around my jie fu mum de house... he was so happy while he watched his cartoon...

At my house.. sooooo adorable hee.. he loves loves loves to play peek a booooo

Here's dar with the sun rise... taken at tanah merah ferry terminal just before we set off to tanjung pinang... we were there very early.. too early le.. ate killiney breakfast..

A view of the kelong... really relaxing place to be in... but well i still prefer rompin... sooo much fun lalala..
Ding tai fang with parents.. clovee and caldras...

Pic of the princes... very notti princess...

And the Prince who really enjoyed his xiao long baos surprisingly...

Milo and his new bone bone tat i bought for him and russell.. russell finished it so quickly.. i was worried for milo cause he old liao.. i scare his teeth break while eating the bone.. LOLx

Oh another cute pic of thaddeus.. hehehe.. i went NEX with my sis today with her friends and their adorable kids.. actually its not really alot to walk la.. very normal lo..
Yesterday i went orchard with my sis and vivo with xueting after my paper though... Then i bought a pair of earing.. its like buy for get 1 free.. but one is 12 dollar.. all silver.. its from the shop i bought my silver heart and watermelon earings.. i bought a electric blue one.. sis bought 4 others others and got the free one.. she bought for her friends.. i wanted to buy for exchange gift!! but its 12 only.. zz so in the end never buy.. haha.. Then i bought the stuff below..
From ettusais.. their toner and softener... i tried the sample.. this toner for oil control.. and i think its good after using the small samples they gave me like for a week or more.. yup so i bought them.. my origin toner already left the last few drops..
oh oh den my sis bought accessories... after that we went to get thaddeus and dar came to fetch us to his house.. cause my sis got to take her cheong sum she sent to tailor with dar's mum.. we had a great time playing with thaddeus.. and disturbing russell.. dar's parents are just so friendly and nice.. they treated my sis to dinner as well.. so heart warming =)
den i bought a new sports bra from nike factory outlet.. its considered cheaper than outside already.. and i love the yellow.. it has been sooooo long since i buy a sports bra la.. i only got two.. and it's kind of cui already after all these years haha.. realise my the other two sports bra also nike de lol.. i think its the only thing i buy from nike lo.. i still love addidas =p
Christmas is just two more days later!!! i love christmas.. but i always donno where to go or celebrate at.. oh well hope i can have a nice christmas this year...
FYP!!!! so excited but also worry i will be very very busy.. hm.. hope not *finger cross*
Was studying in the library today when i received a sms from my sis saying my dad admitted to the hospital cause he black out and was breathless.. so scary to hear this kind of things after wat happen to my jie fu's dad... well i went down after lunch and lucky what dad said is that he felt pain and giddy.. couldn't breathe well so he went to see his GP and GP say his blood pressure high ask him go NUH to do blood test.. Well when he reach the hospital his BP was like 211 la super high... so scary..
seeing him in pain with such worrying eyes kind of makes me heart ache.. i was there right after my sister left to get his car from dad company... cause dad cannot drive to hospital.. his friend drove him.. now got to stay in hospital for 24 hours observations and blood test to see if its a heart attack..
Just hope he comes back soon and rest well...
Anyway batam trip was not a bad one... will update soon about it... exams are just next weeeeekkkkk argh!!!