K here are alll the pics for the past few weeks...
As i mentioned.. it was my first time to pulau ubin.. and it was quite a nice place except for the mosquitoes...

The pretty sunset while waiting to get on the boat back..

A map of the whole place... and i guess i cycled the whole area...

That day i went it was extremely high tide that the roads were flooding because the seawater was coming out from the drains...

Cute doggy.. dogs are everywhere... sooo cute..

Took this picture when i just got there... look at the high high tide.....

By the time i was going back this area of water were actually rocks underneath..
Then i saw really really cute puppies over at the celestial resort... oh man just love them..

Cute brown one staring at me..

This little one looks like its mummy!!! =)

And this is my favourite of all.... cute little piggy looking with "eyeshadow" looking eyes... hahaha..
Then it was the career fair at NTU.. and sakura with hengpei..

hehe.. yummy..
Then i went nature republic to get some necessary stuff... ok.. i set up the blog already... i guess it is going to be called... B-U-T-affair.. i gonna update more of some beauty stuff and of course the coach bags there... but not yet fully done up la.. hehe


MASCARA!! again... =p
Then dar and i met an interesting guy at the fishing competition at bottle tree park Fishing paradise...
This guy was a bird owner.. but guess should call him a parot lover? heard he got like 7 of them all different species and colours.. and he train them.. soo cool..

Here is his pet.. very cute.. he teach the parot to sing.. talk and fly a distance...

very pretty right... nice..
Then i had a great dinner at the imperial restaurant at vivo city.. It is beside Daiso.. the one with the fish tanks outside.. the food there is expensive but good..
My family and my three aunts.. dinner paid by dad..

The first dish was this bird nest looking thing.. it is actually eggwhite with dono what haha.. and the bird nest thing is fried potato...

This is their speciality.. really nice!! love it..
Then it was the best dish and most most expensive of all.. can't believe my aunt actually ordered this..

Fuo tiao qiang... buddha jump over the wall... super yummy... One person one bowl leh... 48 dollar per bowl.. faints...

Look at the albalone....

Then is the deer meat.. really tender...

And the vege with loads of mushrooms.. my fav!

And the soon hock...

Then the dessert they gave us for free... from my aunt de boss cause the boss opened this restaurant.. dessert was nice.. aloevera jelly with mixed fruits..
Watson had their sale... bought some beauty products... since my face is dehydrated by me...
i decided to try aqualabel which is cheaper than laneige.. but i still thinking of getting one or two of laneige stuff...

I bought the aqua enhancer and emulsion.. all got discount..

And the small bottles are samples from Ron hehehe...
Another fishing paradise experience... Quite a goood catch that day.. had 9 Red tail cats... 1 CPC.. 1 pacu and 3 walking cats..

look at my cute catch..i dragged it out effortlessly.. -.- lolx

This is my big catch... really tiring.. RTCs are really good fight and tire me out...

Dar with it...

Me with it.. i think this is the one with the tag.. cause now they having this BINGO thing..Tag fishes are joker which u can use to replace boxes of other fishes harder to catch eg arapiama..
complete a roll of different fishes and you get bingo!! free hours fishing there...We are going tml again.. cause we are short of a few more fishes...
Then was Hengpei birthday celebration.. Hp, cariann, xueting and me.. i was thinking we could try out the baked rice which was half price at charlie brown cafe...

Birthday girl with her gift.. =)

Here is the hawaiin baked rice.. not bad a little small but aiya half price ma.. ahaha...
Then we went to swensen at plaza sg for ice cream... we ordered earthquake and got to choose two flavours each..

Cariann and xueting..

Our pretty earthquake.. we got.. lime shorbet, durian, mint,mocha,coffee,rocky road,cookies and cream and the other the waiter order wrongly.. he gave us this butter tasting ice cream which was yucky.. we wanted blackforest de... sad.. I think my favourite was the Durian!! didn't expect it to be soo good.. most of the time many places durian taste a little milky.. this one taste like eating pure durian.. woo.. the lime was not bad too.. happy!!!

Me and hengpei with my doggy..
Then Nanyang lake fishing competition...

Dar got first.. haha 7kg Patin...
I bought my boots to go to mandai le... damn funny.. the uncle still say i can wear out pple will think it is a trend.. or i can wear to disco.. LOLx.. zzz make my mum and i laugh till our heads drop..

tada... my new bootie!!! lolx
Went to walk around mandai.. found some really nice place..

Upper seletar reservoir..

Thats all.. good lucky for my interview on friday.. boo hope i can really make it..