Finally i get to update my blog with photos... only with the photos then i got motivation to blog.. haha.. oh well i am sooo free now.. but i don't feel like working.. crapzzz how how how... sian....
hm.. shall start this post with Rocky!!
Just can't get my eyes off him!! love him sooo much.. He look so adorable even when he is sleeping!! seeeeee........

And running around on my lappie... curious little boy!! loves~!
Went fishing the day before vesak day mentioned in my previous posts...

Here is the catch of the day....
I caught the grouper... two flower crabs.. one male one female.. and a few small fishes...

Weeee grouper!!! =D
Watched the channel U show" Ladies Night" and learnt how to make these superb mushrooms.. i think they taste not bad although i abit scare of the mayo and cheese... haha..
Made for the girls today also.. they came over to my house and was glad they enjoyed the mushrooms tooo!.. dar and his mum and caldras also love it! =D

pretty baked mushrooms..
Then 23rd May was dad's birthday... and here is the cake i bought from him... the standard Coco exotic from fourleaves...

57th birthday!! old liao.. hehe..
We went pioneer there to eat dinner...

Some food that we ordered...

And the best was the chili crab... with the mini man tous...
Happy birthday dad!

Happy mum and dad with the two kids... blowing off the candles...
Then there was the poster day on 24th May....
super intense day where everyone had to stand like 4 hours with 2 hours interval... lucky for the 2 hour break my legs didn't break.... lolx... the heels was killing my balls of my feet!! argh...

But was glad it is finally over... happy photo of us!! after the whole thing....

Cheese!!! love u gals!! will be missing all of you!!! and wishing everyone all the best...

Us during the break at the lecture room...

and not forgetting to take a photo of my sweat and efforts... my poster and me... =)
finally... graduation..... got to wear that square hat soon...
realise the older photos are at the bottom... so i got to go back in time to show you about Mother's day...

Here is the Cake from icing room... normal lo.. not like very nice or terrible.. especially for mother's day though...
Then was the handing up of thesis before the poster day... haha on 9th May...

Handed together with Hp and cariann... ..The feeling of handing that up was unforgettable.. shiock ah!!... haha

A glimpse of my thesis....
Optimization of GPS-GSM tracking device and a general survey of Varanus Salvator for future behavioral studies in Singapore.. quite long la the title.. haha

And my shoe box of nail polishes....
random.. haha
So the three of us went to Sentosa for suntanning session after our thesis were handed up...

The girls at Candylicious.. haha cariann so cute la

Us after the tanning in the toilet =p

Cariann putting on her sunglasses...
Well that's about it.. hope to have another suntanning session with the girls sooon.... so relax now.. but i should get a job soon booo...
tml is poster day..... time flies!! shit.. i really got no script... just hope i will be calm and can talk smoothly... haiz.. stress liao la...
i need to slp soon! hmmm.... hope everything will go fine.......
zzz blogger got some problem with uploading of photos... can't seem to upload my photos....
oh well.. been quite happy these few days.. but stress as well...
I got to find a part time job to earn money for the fishing trips... super broke.. three overseas trip.. tanjung pinang... rompin... USA... hmmm
Anyway i cooked mushrroms with ham.. baked them in the oven and tasted delicious. learnt it from the tv show and caldras loved it.. haha.. think it is yummy tooo..
Big mama fishes at yatch club kind of hard to come by.. caught a big grouper on monday... Was Vesak day on tuesday... kind of feel sinful... but grouper really is a good fish.. booo i feel so sad looking at it though..... everyone seem so envy but i feel so guilty.. of course i feel happy catching it.. but the guilt came in when i see it die T.T
oh well... i really need a job but i wan a flexible one... kind of lazy to work leh.... haiz.. how how how.......... got any road shows or temporary work lobang?? oh well
Feel very emo suddenly...
have been thinking of one sentence that dar's friend told me about Taurus when he was reading horoscopes..
Taurus tends to have many friends but only 1 or 2 close friends...
Not meant to pin point on any particular person but just wanna blurt out some stuff that have been in me for quite long... Always tot that i treat every single friend as well as i could but i always feel that close friends to me tend to get further away from me as time flies.. Most of them.. and well i really don't know what's wrong usually... is it me.. or is it them? and i would rather them tell me if i have a problem or so...
Kind of hard to manage and realy find someone that i can share everything with.. oh well... getting like super low self esteem sometimes... and i frequently feel unwanted too.. not just among friends but among loved ones..
I kind of always get left alone... is it cause i am boring or i dono la.. just feel kind of pek cek now.. can't slp also... sian..
Tml is handing in of thesis... fuck care liao... I really dono how i will do but something just tells me it is bad... haiz.. but i just don wan to do anything about the thesis already...
I got not a single advice or feedback on my thesis from my supervisors as well... just feel like they leave me to die lo..... haiz.. suan le.. hand up and hope it just gets over and done with... especially poster day also....
And another nightmare for me when i get into the working world... hope career won't be as bad as i expect it to be as well.. and hope my passion for teaching will not die out... mean time.. just wan to relax for a while......
I will be freeee after poster or tml i guess.... oh welll hope i can do some catch up with friends...................................
Polling day!!..
Thesis DONE!!
teaching contract done!!!
what's next.. hmmm...
poster day.... and change of flights to USA.....
oh well anyway got some photos to share cause last week the girls celebrated my belated birthday for me... sweet.. and i redo my nails... wahahha... super chio nails again!!
Here's the cake cariann and iva drew at icing room...

They were so proud and happy over it.. haha.. it is really lovely!! but sorry girls i would prefer a chocolate cake though.... =x if can draw on chocolate cake then will be damn goood..

Ten years old!! heeeheee =x

sorry hengpei.. ur hair a bit messy here butttttt this is the only nice photo taken by iva.. the others we look like siao cha bos!!!

Cariann enjoying the cake!

my present!!! weeee heee look like menses pad =x haaha..

But the presents were lovely!!.. must be chosen by hengpei... muacks!!!

iva pulling cariann head -.-" poooor cariann!!

Lovely girls with a messy table.. oh ya we ate at new york new york at centre point...
My new purchase with the help of my sister's friend...

Got the multi cleanser cause Ron say it is good and i got no more make up remover liao.... And the water bank essence cause my skin a little dry on the cheeks..

Here are my birthday gifts... BCBG slippers all the way from USA.. and the present from the girls..

Love the slippers!! bright yellow suits my tan legs!!

Opps another new top from 4eva21... been finding for a knitted top like that for so long.. finally got a colour that suits me...

And here are the nail polishs and the eyeshadow..

Woo i love the colours.. although got so many eye shadow but these colours are amazing heee.. thanks girls!!
doing another post soon.. some interesting stuff...
Snakes... and rallies... and rocky!! haha.. till then..
I really couldn't be bothered with political issues but since i am already 23 and now have to vote... it is really time to make a choice..
These past few years have really showed what the previous election winners have done... The problems addressed by the oppositions are really true and heartening.. hearing the speeches of both PAP and the oppositions make me feel that the oppositions have been addressing problems the PAP have created and running away from...
Of course houses are affordable with such high salary that they earn.. They are just killing their own population of Singaporeans and growing their population of foreigners... Where are we going to get such amount of money to get houses... and nobody would want to have kids with such circumstances... With the more mature thinking of people nowadays, i guess our population will soon die out and age like hell... My brother is really lucky because at least my parents are working and earning well enough... It is really terrible that couples earning 8K and above cannot buy HDB when HDB flats are sooooo expensive.. and then my brother and da sao bought executive condo and WTH EC nowadays cost soooo much! can buy landed property last time with 1.2 million liao.. u call this affordable... Makes me really worry how long i need to work to get this kind of money... got to work really hard.. Without my parents they wouldn't be able to get it.. And SOMEMORE the EC is at Seng Kang.. A new growing area.. Imagine the cost of flats around the central..
hm... Donno leh.. but even if you hear the outspoken oppositions going against the PAP and talking about all these problems... Would they really be able to solve the current problems? I mean people can give them a chance to try but would the government give them a say? They have to win a good amount of seats and i doubt there are enough singaporeans who would vote to let they win the seats they need..
The saddest part was seeing what LKY said about aljunied.. those people would regret and pay a price? what more price must they pay? So does he mean they will end up like hougang? To be the last to upgrade after PAYING all the taxes? weird.. What's so hard about spending money to upgrade.. the money we pay for taxes should be meant for all these what.. Really changes my opinion about PAP..
But would singaporeans dare to vote against the PAP? i really dono even for myself.. actually i choose to vote for myself lo... Like how one of my teacher wrote a note in his fb.. no matter who you vote.. future is still in your own hands.. oh well.. Just worried that oppositions are NATO.. and PAP got too much action but in the wrong way..