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Wednesday, January 02, 2013

2013!! great... Another year older and into my adulthood.. just reminds me of work work work...

Oh well let me think of this year's resolutions:

1) Get my driving license.

2) Save money! for house and whatever it is..

3) Work/study and play hard in NIE..

4) Save some money for traveling too

i can't think of anymore for now.. oh well lets see what i have done for 2012

Jan 2012
I did some work for sec 3 camp as well as helping out in the CCA fair.. Also did a health screening for myself which shows that i am healthy..

My dar bought me my first guinea pig Orh Bin on Valentine's day! First time having a guinea pig and it was pretty exciting. Did a lot of research on what i should do, what they should eat and stuff..

Had a hell of a month doing NAPFA and the arts concert.. was quite terrible but at least everything went on well..
Had a ME day too for my birthday month.

I passed my PPT! and thats the main obstacle that i finally got over to get into NIE..

I think i went Batam in June? can't remember already.. but i finally am going into NIE..

Left TWSS at the end of July with lots of sadness cause the place was a really nice place to work in..

Finally got in NIE and here i get to know lots of amazing and nice people as well as weird people.. haha..

Sept- Nov
Time flies! my first Sem in NIE just flew by with loads of assignments and group works and presentations and blah blah blah... but i got to know so many nice profs and lecturers but also some CMI ones.. Went Rompin again for fishing with kok seongs boat and first time sea sick till i puke >.<..

I took my one star kayaking! and i got my passion card. YEAH! and i also got my first aid course! i am now first aid trained! Had my first trip to bangkok with dar! for shopping and fishing and it was amazingly fun! mekong cat was scary but really fun! can't wait to go again.

writtern @1/02/2013 10:36:00 PM

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Some how I feel that I don't have confidence to start with and now i just feel that i have low self-confidence..

How am i going to put my trust in you.. Not sure where this will be going but i really wish it would go all the way.

I really tried very hard and i feel that i need a lot of assurance.. But i guess you are not the type that would know how to give me the assurance i need..

Just saw stuff that i shouldn't meant to see and make me feel worst about myself.. haiz


Just hope that i get the assurance and love that i need..

writtern @11/28/2012 01:02:00 AM

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Haven't had such a nice day with you alone for a long time..

Though it was just a short day window shopping for reels, i had a great time laughing. Another nice day of my holidays! Can't wait to go Batam with you on Wed.. finally get to go overseas this holiday..

Finally admitting into NIE.. Not sure if it is a right decision or not. I know i always wanted to move into teaching but just that being a full load teacher really don't seem to be easy at all.. geez...  Hope everything will work out fine.. don't want to think about breaking the bond at all..

Sis is coming back and i am so happy! want to see Thad! and can't wait for Thea to arrive as well.. Pray that everything is good for her.. =)

writtern @6/12/2012 12:58:00 AM

Growing up
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

When i was young i always wanted to grow up quick so that i no longer need to be under the wings of the mother hen.. Seems like a bad idea to me now that i am considered grown up..

There are so many things that you need to learn to cope with and think about...
1) Work - How to cope with stress given by the students and also by the superiors. How to not get angry and control all emotions even when your superiors blamed you for doing things that you didn't.. Have to worry about when I can enter NIE and the test i need to pass to get in... haiz

2) Family - How much i need to give and save.. How my brother shouldn't be the way he usually is when my mum stops working.. How to spend time with them even though i really don't feel like due to all the quarrels that happens daily..

3) Money- How i should save as much as i can for my future.. The bills and every other money that i need to pay back... how to control my shopping addict and spend less which i have been doing so successfully..

4) Relationship - How I can maintain the r/s well.. How i should control my temper even though sometimes its really too uncontrollable.. Whether things will work out the way they do.. How i can bring him back home..

argh and soooooooooo on... its like never ending worries for me... =(

Only felt relieved when i spend a little money on little things.. but also have a bit of after effect cause i spent money.....

HAIZ! why........ =(

writtern @4/17/2012 10:12:00 PM

Sunday, January 08, 2012

ah... my blog seems really dead that i don't feel like blogging already..

actually i got so much to blog about but i really don't know where to start..

Dar is overseas.. Will be back tomorrow.. though it is just three days but just felt so lonely being coop up at home for the weekends..

Work has been really busy.. Not sure when this busy period will stop neither sure if it is a bad or a good thing.. Wanted work to be busy the other time but for now i wished it wasn't so busy.. There are many things i need to get myself prepared with.. like handling a class of my own.. I kind of feel scared and stressed up.. Cause i am not sure of what i need to do and how i can prepare myself for it.. But i just can't keep following behind the others..

Been trying to prepare myself for the lessons but i don't know why i feel so unprepared and not confident... really need some encouragement.. hope everything will go well..

Just the first week of school but days seemed to pass quite slowly.. maybe cause i am spending more and more time in school..

holidays were so fun and i guessed i pampered myself too much..

oh man i am missing my dar already.. hope i get to see him tml even though it will be a very very long day for me... just hope he would be back to give me some encouragement and support...

writtern @1/08/2012 10:48:00 PM

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

We ended out day with a sweet kiss..and yet u tell me it's the end of our story?..

isn't it too soon or sudden? Look back please..

Never expected this from such a small matter

writtern @11/16/2011 12:25:00 AM

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Back!! after soooooo long...

damn i didn't even blog about my rompin trip... And i am suuuper lazy to blog about my US trip. US was fantastic.. the shopping... the scenery... everything!! and alaska was perfect... so was Canada... oh man i just can't wait to go there for more shopping and sightseeing... i wan to go LA and LV!!!

Anyway work is fine... for now.. Kind of slack... Life is as usual... and the year end is already near the corner... how i wish i got enough money to go LA and LV again.. trying to save up money though...

Students nowadays are really kind of hard to teach.. but i guess with patience and TLC... hope they will be under control! =p

will blog soon.. too lazy to blog up photos.... really damn alot.. like more than 1000 from USA zzz haha

writtern @10/15/2011 02:26:00 PM